The table knives and custom tableware made by Coltelleria Valgobbia
are produced in subcontractors, hot forged and can be produced
using different kinds of steel such as W.nr. 1.4028, W.nr. 1.4116,
W.nr. 1.4122 and W.nr 1.4301.
The heat treatment may be applied to the blade only or the
full knife (blade and handle) to guarantee a uniform structure
and better resistance to corrosion.
The surface that can be shiny or glazed finishing,
obtainable with our polishing process, satisfies the most diverse
stylistic needs.
Coltelleria Valgobbia is also able to customize every single
article by marking of customer’s logo.
Thanks to technologically advanced equipment, and to a complete
internal processing cycle, we have an extremely flexible production
capacity, able to start from the raw steel material up to the
finished product including the package.
The subcontracting service by Coltelleria Valgobbia extends
to the design of prototypes and moulds necessary for the realization
of the product.