This site uses technical cookies to ensure proper browsing experience. With the user's consent, the site may use profiling cookies. .
Cookie usage
Use of cookies
This site uses technical cookies to ensure proper functioning and a better browsing experience. With the user's consent, the site may use profiling cookies or other tracking tools. To find out more, see the privacy page.
Closing the banner, by selecting the appropriate "Close" button inside it, entails the persistence of the default settings and therefore the continuation of navigation in the absence of cookies or other tracking tools other than technical ones.
Necessary cookies include technical cookies, which are essential for the site to function properly, and functional cookies, such as antispam services on forms or the display of certain elements. User consent is not required for the activation of this type of cookies.
Statistical cookies allow us to understand how the site is used by users. Since the information is treated in an aggregate and anonymous form, the activation of these cookies does not require the user's consent.